From Daffodils to Dutch Iris

picture of a freesia flower

Spring Flowering Bulbs!

Watsonia flower
White Watsonia flower

Watsonia- a South African bulb that is not very common but if super hardy.

You may see spring flowering bulbs for sale now (August/September) in the grocery or nursery outlets and think its time to plant them but wait! Before you dig down into our heavy clay soil in 90 degree weather, give your bulbs a little chill in the fridge. It is too hot to plant them now anyway.

Because we live in a temperate climate it benefits those bulbs from Holland to have more chill.

Refrigerate bulbs in a paper bag for 6-8 weeks and plant them in the first part of November

when the heat has passed. Just don’t forget they are in there!

Use a bit of bonemeal or bulb food in the bottom of holes or trenches when you plant them, and mix in food with the soil. Be sure and put them pointy end up. Bulbs should come with instructions for planting depth. Some of the small bulbs are hard to tell which is the pointy end or top. The bulb company said not to worry, they will find their way- hmmm!? I think only the small bulbs will do that. Plant bigger bulbs pointy end up,

daffodils and tulips
Tulips, Daffodils and one single leaning over Hyacinth

Spring Flowering Bulbs are watered by the rain so do not need irrigation and the Deer don’t eat a lot of them. I love bulbs because they are a great surprise in the spring. I may have forgotten all about planting them and then they pop-up.

If you already have bulbs in the ground don’t worry about digging them up for chilling in the fridge- that is too much work!

In our clay soil some may rot out over time but they usually last very well except for Tulips which don’t come back very well. I have had good luck with species tulips which can be found through a bulb grower i.e. Van Engelen or John Sheepers (great prices too!).

In the spring leave the leaves on until they wither to replenish the bulbs for the next year. The best repeat bloomers for our area are: Grape Hyacinth, Daffodils, Freesias, Ipheon, Leucojum and regular Hyacinths. Hyacinths and some Daffodils are fragrant too. Don’t be afraid to use lots. Plant in groups between low plants and enjoy winter and spring color for many years. Great along the edges of path areas and driveways.

chart of bulb bloom cycle
Bloom times of Spring and Summer flowering plants from bulbs

Want to purchase some good quality bulbs? Here is a link:

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picture of a freesia flower