Spring Garden Maintenance

Queen Whilamena Garden Tulips and Pansies

Spring Garden Reminders

A few tips for garden tasks in the early spring:

*Spray fruit trees with dormant oil spray just as the flowers buds are about to open.

*Apply snail bait often- they’re herrrrrrrrre! Use “Sluggo” for gardens with pets and wildlife.

*Trim back subtropicals to keep them from getting leggy i.e. fuchsias, abutilon, bougainvillea,
hibiscus, angels trumpet etc….

*Pull weeds just after the rain- they come out with root and all when the soil is wet.

Use ‘Preen’ pre-emergent herbicide to control weeds through spring (not in areas with edible plants/fruit). Vinegar as a spray can be used as an alternate to Round-up for spraying weeds.

*Fertilize plants and add iron chelate for yellowing plants so that the spring rains will wash it in. I like to use blood meal or slow release fertilizer- both last well over 6 months.

Problems with Rust and Powdery Mildew?

powdery mildew on rose leaves
Signs of Powdery Mildew- a fungal problem
signs of Rust on the backs of Rose leaves

Powdery Mildew and Rust are common fungal issues in Spring. They effect some plants more than others. The fungal diseases on leaves show up with the foggy weather or warm days followed by cold nights with fog.

If the leaves are few in number they can be removed manually and disposed of. If leaves infected with fungus fall to the ground rake them up or remove them so the fungus doesn’t spread or repeat.

The two issues are usually minor and clear up as the days and nights have a more even temperature and we have less fog.

For a more serious case you can treat the plants with a sulfur or copper fungicide. Here are two examples:

Sulfur for fungicide
copper fungicide for treating fungal issues

These are common brands but you can substitute for similar products in your area.

*Prune tips of Crape Myrtles and old flower heads (seed pods) for better flowering and a fuller tree.

Enjoy the garden- it is a great time of year and so much fun!

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Queen Whilamena Garden Tulips and Pansies