Want a hardy Hibiscus?

Hibiscus syriacus flower

There are some beautiful hybrids of this plant with varied sized flowers and colors. They also fairly low water once established. Rose of Sharon is a large plant usually 6-8′ tall and can be purchased as a single trunked  small tree or as a multi trunked large shrub.

They have a bit of yellow fall color and lovely small leaves.

Plant in full sun and in a spot with good air circulation. Water well at first to avoid wilting then taper off water to once or twice a week. Trim only for shape and do not shear, instead selectively prune away foliage that is diseased, dead or in need of clipping. Protect with shade cloth if they are wilting a lot at first.

Pictured below are Hibiscus syriacus ‘Minerva’, ‘Diana’, and ‘Red Heart’ (in order shown)

I would buy them at a local nursery rather than through mail order so that they are acclimated to your climate zone. Trim back in winter by 1/2 to keep the foliage full and to get lots of flowers. Fertilize twice in the summer with a balanced N-P-K fertilizer (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium- shown on package) for flowering shrubs. They may need Iron if they are yellowing a lot in the summer. Use chelated Iron- easily dissolvable Iron and water in well. This works well for Citrus and Gardenias too.

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Hibiscus syriacus flower