Chlorosis- Iron deficient plants

Healthy Citrus has medium or dark green leaves
Citrus with Chlorosis- yellowing, curling leaves

Chlorosis- a condition in which leaves turn yellow with veins remaining somewhat green.

In our area we have a lot of heavy clay and alkaline soils which tie up nutrients to trees and plants. In this case some of my Citrus are showing these signs of chlorosis or the lack of available iron. Sometimes a lack of zinc or manganese can also cause this. Believe it or not the healthy tree is in the same garden but is planted in better soil where the bunny hutch used to be!

The extra organic matter helped to loosen and fertilize the soil so that tree is doing great.

Example of a common brand of chelated iron

For the chlorotic trees I am using ‘Ferti-home’ or ‘liquinox’ chelated iron and zinc (in liquid form) diluted in a

bucket of water (follow label directions carefully) and then fed around the drip line of the trees. The drip line of a tree is below the edge of the canopy or the outside envelope of the top of the tree or shrub. Always deep water and fertilize in this circle around the trees, because that is where the majority of the feeder roots are. Feed with chelated iron every 3 months in the growing season.

Our large Orange tree I will give several buckets full around the much bigger drip line.

This should help the trees green up, fruit better and be more full. It is a good idea to add compost or mulch around the base of chlorotic plants and carefully work it in if you can. This will break the compacted clay surface and allow nutrients to penetrate the soil. Try not to break up the root mass too much. For citrus it is important for the leaves to shade the thin bark or the branches and trunk because they can get sun scald. So the fuller the canopy the better.

Citrus are just one of the trees effected by this condition. Gardenias are also especially susceptible along with Hibiscus, Avocado, Azaleas and Rhododendrons. Nutrient deficiency can effect any plant but these are some that are prone to iron deficiency in our area.

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