Helping Sub-Tropicals to Overwinter

bougainvillea flower

A white sign with an arrow on it
Aspidistra- great for protected low light areas. also used as a house plant.
A white sign with an arrow on it
Cymbidium Orchid- tuck under the eaves of the house

Spray these plants in early December with Wilt-pruf or Cloud Cover anti-dessicants to help them survive the winter cold.

If there is a warning out for a hard freeze cover plants with an old sheet or ground cloth (never plastic!)
supporting cloth off of the foliage. Putting a lamp or light (turned on) below the cloth adds heat to help in a freeze.

Move potted sub-tropicals under an overhang on a warm wall (south or west facing).

A white sign with an arrow on it
Tree Fern- cover with a sheet in the hard frosts.
A white sign with an arrow on it
Spray Bougainvillea with Wilt-pruf before winter

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bougainvillea flower