Rose Care

rosa 'Brandy'
group of roses in a garden setting
Varied types of Roses in a garden setting

I am amazed at how tough the plants are and what they become over time. As the plants age the trunks and branches become thick and tough supporting big plants with numerous blossoms mostly in spring but on and off all the time. At this point Roses are like candy to me and I never tire of trying new varieties and pouring over catalogs. So what does it take to grow lovely, healthy Roses? Well, some fairly general stuff.

Let the area dry out in between watering and soak deeply 2-3 times a week. Roses don’t like wet feet- another way of saying their roots can’t sit in water.

They need sun- at least 6 hours. Hot reflections off buildings is not great for them and burns them so it is better to have them out in an open area. Climbers can be on walls but use a trellis to allow for better air circulation and to be able to paint the wall by pulling the trellis away.

When planting use lots of compost and dig a big hole. If using bareroot roses follow planting instructions carefully being sure to poke in areas around roots with your hands or a broom handle to fill in air gaps around roots.

Feed them. They like rose food or slow release fertilizer. Follow label directions and water in well so roots don’t get burned. Feed roses at least once a year in early spring.

Dead head old flowers. Cut back spent blossoms to the first 5 leafed stalk consistently to perpetuate bloom.

Prune back in January. Always prune Roses in the dormant season removing dead wood, shortening canes and cutting crossing branches. For climbers leave the main canes and cut back lateral branches to 3-4 buds. Miniature roses and floral carpet roses just need a little thinning and to be cut back about 4-6″ at all branch ends. Pruning revitalizes the plants and keeps them full. (see my blog on Rose pruning)

Don’t crowd them. Over crowding causes areas of poor air circulation where diseases and pests can live. We have a terrible time with scale in the Los Angeles area. these are small insects that live under a flat round shell on the trunks and branches. Use a systemic pesticide labeled for Roses and with scale listed as one of the insects the pesticide kills. Follow the instructions carefully.

The beautiful and fragrant Rosa ‘Melody Parfumee’ pictured above

One of the many Roses that are worth the care and attention!

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rosa 'Brandy'