
Salvia 'autumn moon'

Got to love ’em

Salvia (Sage) should be the poster child for the easy, low water requiring perennial. It is one of the best border plants for our semi-arid area and comes in many sizes, colors and growth habits.

The colors tend to be intense i.e. hot pink, red and varied blues. The trumpet shaped flowers are a favorite of hummingbirds and bees providing food for them over at least 6 months.

A white sign with an arrow on it
Salvia ‘Pozo Blue’

They like some water but can take dry periods between watering quite well. Salvias do vary in water needs, sun exposure preference and ability to withstand freeze so check Sunset Western Garden Book for tips and info. Many of my plants that were damaged by freeze came back from the base so it is worth trying the tropical forms where they have some protection i.e. tree or eave cover.

I put a Salvia blog in this month because they are great fall color- they tend to like the warm, dry months. Many Salvias bloom twice- spring and fall.

Hope you will try growing some and if you have them already, this will encourage you to notice them even more!

A white sign with an arrow on it
Salvia clevelandii- Cleveland Sage

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Salvia 'autumn moon'